Friday, October 1, 2021

Let the Spirit Lead You

October 2021

Message from Pastor Tom: 

I would have to say October is one of my favorite months! Depending on where you live, this is when most of the foliage really starts changing colors, signifying the end of the summer season. It’s a time for cooler weather, lattes, and pumpkin spice, everything nice! It is also a time for fall festivals and Halloween fun! I believe October and Halloween bring new opportunities to share the Good News with strangers. The entire month is filled with a variety of Halloween and Fall Harvest activities and events. We will be at different places, meeting new people and this gives us the perfect opportunity to engage with others and introduce them to Jesus.

As a Christian blogger, I'm always thinking of ways to use the “non-Christian” holidays to reach the lost and help them meet Jesus at the foot of the cross. We’ve all been given an established order from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the Great Commission. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Halloween, or any specific time of the year, it’s all about how we handle the assignment He has given us. 

All Christians know we are to be in mission, and that can mean locally or internationally. This should bring no sense of fear or dread, as God is with us through it all and will equip us for what He calls us to do. I think the longing and the feeling of guilt is the hardest for Christians to endure. When the longing for international service is there, but we are unable to find the means or the opportunity does not make itself available, there can be considerable feelings of guilt and frustration. This definitely puts a smile upon the devil’s face. I think we are most amazed by the ones so dedicated to foreign mission, their efforts are tireless and they manage the work seemingly stress free. I have personally only supported foreign mission work or assignments in a financial way or by prayer, but have not traveled myself to do so.  

My own mission work has been limited to the U.S. and Canada and that being only in my latter years. In my younger days, I worked mostly two jobs and with young children, I never had the opportunity to do so. That being said, I am in no way a scholar on the subject, other than what our Scriptures have taught me. I do know all things are possible through our Lord and this is where I draw my strength. As a disciple of Christ, I have forever surrendered my life to serving the Lord, and as a result, He makes us all fishers of men. I strive to be a true disciple of Christ, willing to abide in Him, allowing Jesus to live through me as a Christian doing God’s work. We truly become the most filled when we pour out the most to others. Our hearts grow when we share God’s love, allowing us to receive more than ever before. We need to handle our Lord’s Great Commission in our own way by letting the Holy Spirit guide us, by keeping our hearts pure, with our eyes upon foot of the cross, and letting the love shine through us to our fellow man.

Heidi and I ask you to join us in praying for peace for our country, our leaders and those racially and spiritually persecuted worldwide. Until next month, may God richly bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you. 

Blessings from a pastor and his wife. 

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 

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