Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Faith in the Lord


June 2021

Message from Pastor Tom:

In past blogs, I spoke of leaving all your trials and tribulations at the foot of the cross, as well as having Hope in all things through Jesus Christ. I truly believe when this life is through, it will all come down to having Faith. Saving faith grows by believing in God’s Word through Scripture. The more we read, the more we trust, and in turn, we experience His Peace and Hope in all things. 

Maybe today you are feeling anxious, worried, and maybe even a little afraid. The Bible tells us to, “Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7 (NKJV). We need to have Faith in the Lord, stop worrying and let God assume the responsibility for our welfare. We have all had the experience of someone letting us down, or disappointing us in some way, but Jesus Christ never will. Having faith in Jesus Christ ensures you can trust Him to take care of you no matter what. Therefore, we need to keep our eyes on the cross and look to Jesus for all things large or small. If you keep your eyes on the Father, He will direct your steps. We must turn our eyes away from worthless things, and set our gaze upon Jesus.

My own personal Faith experience was severely tested with my past throat cancer. The ensuing chemotherapy along with the radiation treatments brought me closer to God in ways I never thought possible. Yes, I was terrified when I first heard the diagnosis, and I was worried about the outcome. Nevertheless, it was my Faith in Jesus that kept me going and trusting in His Word.  The entire experience opened new perspectives in my faith and plans for my continuing ministry. I never thought I could ever thank God for a diagnosis of cancer, yet without the experience I may never have reached this level of closeness to God. He truly has turned the ordinary into the extraordinary, giving me many opportunities to share my experiences with others and witnessing to God’s amazing grace. I have changed personally, giving all Glory to God, as He is the ultimate healer, knowing He walks with the doctor’s as well. The devil throws all types of pain and sickness into our path that can only lead us to personal destruction if we let it. Our faith in Christ can overcome these times of trial and make us stronger than we could ever imagine.

As always, Heidi and I pray this devotion touches your heart and gives you Hope in all things, leading you to a stronger Faith in Christ. That you too will find your own “cross” to remind you to place all your anxiety at its foot, giving them over to Jesus who is better equipped to take care of them and give us Hope. We also ask you continue to join us in praying for peace for our country, our leaders and those who are persecuted racially and spiritually worldwide.  

Until next month, may God richly bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you always. 

Blessings from a pastor and his wife.

Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation. Hebrews 11:1–2

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