Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Hope in The Cross

May 2021

Can you believe it is May already, and now I’m even running late posting this month’s blog? Things are moving much too quickly. It feels like we just had Christmas, and here it is spring with Memorial Day right around the corner. 

Last month I told you about the cross I pass on the way to work every day and how seeing it helps me remember to leave my troubles at the base of it, as Jesus is so much better at taking care of things than we are. Now however, I want to expand on the cross by which Jesus gave His life for us. It is through that wonderful single act of love on the cross that gives us Hope in this life. That one single act of unconditional love, given to us by the Father and Son, is why we just celebrated Easter last month in remembrance of this very sacrifice by Jesus.

We need to recognize the hope God provides for us in the midst of not only the challenges we face each day, but also in the most routine part of our everyday lives. I totally understand with the worldwide pandemic we face, the nation of unrest, the seemingly never ending natural disasters lately, that ever growing list of things to do for our families, the pressures of work or unemployment, have all left many of us feeling there is no Hope. We feel completely overwhelmed, as life seems to be spiraling out of control all around us. But wait, stop trying to be in control. Just set your to-do list down, shut off the computer, put down your phone, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths… no… several really deep calming breaths. Then just say a five-letter name: Jesus, repeat again, Jesus. Just by doing this, you will recognize God is at work in the midst of life’s challenges, and also in the normal part of our lives. 

I know it can feel a bit like a train chugging along a track heading right into a dark tunnel. I don't know what's in there, but I have to keep going on this track because life demands it. I'm scared, but have no option, I hope there is light at the end, I hope it works out? As Christians, we can know there is light at the end of the tunnel because God assures us there is. His assuredness gives me peace and hope in all challenges. You might ask how you can have this same Hope and Peace. I will tell you in one word “FAITH.” You cannot be given a more practical or necessary Hope than when you place your FAITH in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and receive His Peace. Sin had so wrecked humanity we were all under the wrath of God and in desperate need of forgiveness and deliverance from our guilt, shame, and fleshly behaviors. We had emotional needs, material needs, and all manner of brokenness. So God the Father sent His only begotten Son into our lives. He knew no other gift could ever provide for our needs or fulfill our longings as completely as Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ “is the light, the life, and the hope of the world.” If we want to increase our trust in God, we must fill our minds with the truth of Scripture, remember our Father’s faithfulness to us in the past, and look for His hand working in our present situation. When our minds are renewed, our faith will be also.

Heidi and I pray as always this devotion touches your heart and gives you Hope in all things. That you too will find your own “cross” to remind you to place all the problems you bare at its foot, giving them over to Jesus who is better equipped to take care of them and give us Hope. We also ask you continue to join us in praying for peace for our country, our leaders and those who are persecuted racially and spiritually worldwide. 

Until next month, may God richly bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you always. 

Blessings from a pastor and his wife.

“No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” Romans 8:37