Friday, February 5, 2021

God's Love


February 2021

Message from Pastor Tom:

By now, you are all probably aware I am a little late getting this month’s blog out. Most of us also know Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow, and as legend holds means six additional weeks of winter coats and chilly weather. In addition, we also know whatever the weather future may be, February is known as the month for love.

Valentine's Day is fast approaching. With this pandemic, what can we do to show our loved ones how much we care?? I know some of you are bitter and becoming covid-19 fatigued. Some may even think Valentine’s Day is just another excuse to sell Hallmark cards, chocolates and marked up flower, but is there really anything wrong with setting aside a special day to celebrate love?

I firmly believe every day should be a special day for loving. Loving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our family and friends, and yes the ones who are also hard to love. I know I struggle with the last one too and always ask myself what Jesus would do. The answer is simple and never changes, love them just how Jesus first loved us. 1 John 4:19 states, “We love, because He first loved us” (NIV). What greater motivation could we have than to live our lives with a single-minded devotion to Love, and honor with God who makes us clean with our every thought, action, or deed? A God whose love has proven to be unconditional, unlimited and complete.

Remember this; life is our journey we experience only between birth and physical death. We must forever strive for our blessed life to reach entire sanctification with perfect love for God, as well as all humankind. The Holy Spirit indwelled within each believer gives us a spiritual resurrection allowing us to live a holy life while in our physical bodies. It is because we are still living in the flesh we will be tempted, just as Jesus Christ, as fully man was tempted, but because He was also fully God, Jesus never gave in to temptation and sin.

While it is possible we can overcome the power of sin through entire sanctification, even with perfect love, a life of holiness where we have achieved entire sanctification will not mean we are perfect. Our journey to perfection is a never-ending work in progress. We must aggressively strive for perfection with discipline and repeated acts of consecration. When we achieve entire sanctification, we can overcome the ability to sin with the help of the Holy Spirit who makes it possible for us to conquer our natural sinful nature and willingly choose not to give in to our sinful nature. What a way to celebrate love, by showing God our spiritual dedication. Shouldn’t you not want to do everything you can to be ready for the moment you finally realize what it is to be clean of sin, and see the radiant glory of the God who died to make you pure?

Heidi and I continue to ask you to join us in praying for peace for our country, our leaders and those who are persecuted racially and spiritually worldwide. Until next month, may God richly bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you always. Happy St Valentine’s Day.

Blessings from a pastor and his wife

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. Psalm 143:8

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