Thursday, September 3, 2020

God is With Us


September 2020

Message from Pastor Tom:

Many of us are weighed down by the ever growing pressures of this life, especially now with our children starting school during a time where a pandemic is plaguing the world in which we live. We run around busier and busier than ever, not knowing how to free ourselves up to live more abundantly. Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10 (NIV). With our eyes firmly fixed on our Jesus Christ, resolve to walk down this road of suffering in a way that is honoring to Him. Draw deeply on the Holy Spirit’s strength for the next step, and seek to be obedient in thought, word, and deed. You will discover as you follow Him, sweet, soul-satisfying rest will be found, and the pressure of the world that is upon you will be lifted.

I find the stories and principles found in the Gospels are just as applicable today as they were in Jesus’ day. To live the Lord’s way takes His divine power. In order to draw on His strength, believers need to develop attitudes of humility, trust, and perseverance. The Lord wants us to trust Him. He may at times ask us to remain in an uncomfortable situation or take on a task seemingly far beyond our capability. God knows how to solve your problem, but He may choose to require your cooperation, possibly even asking you to do something that seems unreasonable. In either circumstance, relying on Him will bring us the inner fortitude to choose His way.

Like you, carrying my burdens is not easy and I too have found myself asking why and questioning God. When this happens I remember this, Believers are protected. Psalm 34:7 says, “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him.” We are so well guarded that the only way our life can be touched by hardship is if God allows it. That doesn’t mean we won’t experience loss or upheaval or pandemics. Sometimes the Father permits His children to walk through dark valleys, but always the protective shepherd, He remains by our side (Psalm 23:4).

So I ask you this, are you letting the Lord have His way in your life? Even when the need seems urgent, a person with a spirit yielded to God waits patiently for the heavenly Father’s plans to unfold at just the right time. On occasion, every believer faces moments of doubt. Trust me, I am surely preaching to myself here. Perhaps a prayer goes unanswered, or our obedience is met with worsening circumstances. Or maybe someone’s criticism makes us question our ability to carry out God’s plan. I believe one with complete knowledge and wisdom knows what God is doing and will wait for the fullness in God's time. Remember God is with us wherever we go.

Heidi and I pray for each and every one of us to be lifted out of our old way of thinking and be transformed, so each moment of our life will take on new meaning with an appreciation of the gifts God bestows on us every day. Praise God for abundant living even through this time of pandemic. Please join us in continued prayer for peace and healing of our country, our leaders and for those who are racially persecuted worldwide. Until next month, may God richly bless you and keep you safe, may God's face shine upon you.

Blessings from a pastor and his wife

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us". Romans 8:18

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