Sunday, March 1, 2020

Spiritual Wellness

March 2020
Message from Pastor Tom:
While March may be known for many things, one of them is Spiritual Wellness Month. Typically, Spiritual Wellness is considered a search to find meaning and purpose in human existence, where we strive to find harmony with ourselves and those around us while balancing our inner needs with the rest of the world. Spirituality and religion go hand in hand, as our religious faith, values, beliefs, principles and morals actually define our spirituality. I know every person has their own religious spiritual preferences, however I am talking about one God, our God, Jesus Christ who shed His blood for our sins and gives us hope in all things.
I had been listening to the news last night and it was particularly gloomy. So sitting at the dinner table with my wife, I was contemplating the happenings of the world around us, the elections, the change in weather having devastating consequences around the world, yet again another mass shooting of innocent people only trying to make a living at their place of work, and the overwhelming impacts on every family member and friend in their lives. My heart was heavy with pain and anger, but then I remembered the Lord’s voice through Scripture," I have told you
these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NIV). I could breathe again my heart lifting from the pain.
Yes, the world is a dark and disturbing place, so full of controversy and chaos. Yet we can shift our focus from our frustration and worries toward God and ask for His peace to surround us today. Remember, God is the only One with limitless resources and power, and He wants to meet our needs as promised in Romans 8:11, “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” Does this not bring peace to you? I know it gave peace to me at the dinner table during my time of frustration. Jesus is saying the peace He gives us is different from what the world can give us. This explains why people search for peace elsewhere, but will never find peace at the end of their pursuit. Jesus left His peace with us. His peace is the peace that enables Him to stand still in the strongest storms of life. His peace is the peace that allows Him to forgive people when HE was suffering the most excruciating pain of crucifixion.
Life is full of things to worry about, but approximately 90% of the things we worry about never happen. The remaining 10% of the things we worry about are beyond our control making it pointless for us to worry about those things we cannot change. The path to most spiritual wellness must include prayer. So rather than taking time to worry, let us spend this time in prayer focusing on God and you will have peace. Pray about everything. Prayer is the primary means by which we talk to God, and it’s also one of the ways He teaches us. When we pray, we’re petitioning the Lord and trusting Him for the answer and peace. In doing so, we learn to listen to Him, just as we learn to wait for His response. God loves for us to honor Him through this spiritual act of worship called prayer.
Heidi and I pray for the Lamb of God to richly bless and keep you safe from harm. The Good News is true peace is not so hard to obtain. All you have to do is to accept it as God’s gift, and you will be able to experience the peace He so wants us all to enjoy.
"In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety" Psalm 4:8