Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Gift of Prayer

Message from Pastor Tom:

Just like most pastors this time of year with our attention turning to Christmas, our thoughts form around preparing that perfect Christmas sermon, blog, Bible study or story. It also turns of course to the excitement of celebrating our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s birth in worship, exchanging gifts and sending out Christmas cards containing the special message of Christ’s love and how much they mean to us. There is so much excitement in the air, a sense of wonder and expectation that has never changed from when I was a young boy.

All this in mind, I was surprised some weeks ago by a special gift sent from God through the working of His people, with the Holy Spirit providing the direction. Now before I explain my “early” Christmas gift, let me go back almost fifteen years ago to set the stage for why you should never give up, keep praying and trust in the Lord, just as Luke 18:1-8 the "The Parable of the Persistent Widow” teaches. Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them they should always pray and not give up. He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!  And the Lord said, ‘Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?’” As Christians we are taught how to pray for our own needs and for the needs of other hurting souls. However most of us give up if we do not get the results quickly or get what we expect, especially during a time like Christmas.

Now let me get back to my story. It was summer, almost fifteen years ago when Heidi and I came upon this perfectly quant little house on a wooded acre and bought it from the owner. We found it shared an easement between our acre and the one next door, to yet again another land-locked acre stretching behind both our properties. Well, the last thing we wanted was a road running that close beside us, if you know what I mean? But because we felt the Lord led us to this place, we bought it anyway and figured we would address this at a later date. So in October of that year, I sent a letter to the owner inquiring about purchasing property, but never heard back. I prayed silently and let my wishes be known hopefully to the right people, but still no acknowledgment.

About nine years passed when out of the blue, the owner of the property showed up in our driveway. She’d been in the neighborhood and stopped when she saw us outside and asked if we were the ones who inquired about buying the property. She explained her son was going to own it all one day and it would be left up to him. We ended up talking about my then very recent miraculous recovery from stage four-throat cancer. How God took me on this most incredible journey and then healed me less than six months later as if it had never been there. She invited me to give my testimony at a revival she was holding at her church and I was honored to do so. After that night, we never saw her again, but still I prayed she might talk to her son and one day we could buy the property.

A few more years passed before we searched again and found the title transferred to her son. So I wrote another letter, basically asking if he ever wanted to sell the property to please let me know. I continued to pray now and then, but after four years or so just assumed he either had no intention of selling or had lost my letter, chalking it up to yet again another unanswered prayer. Boy was I wrong! You would think at my age, and my walk with Christ I would know better! Sound familiar?

I am here to tell you, in His time, when God answers prayer, you better sit down and be ready to hold on. In His time… did you get it? In HIS time of answered prayer, it will always turn out better then you can ask for. Never cease praying! In the first part of last month I received a surprise e-mail stating, "I know this is a cold call, but I kept your letter in thinking that one day I may want to sell this property and now is the time." Wow… finally answered prayer! But then, and I’m sure you can relate to this in some form, "But God, this is not exactly the best time for us to be buying property." Then doubt turns to certainty, if this is God willed, He is going to make it happen. And happen it did. It turns out the son is a Law Enforcement Officer in Florida and a devoted Christian. He sold it for an affordable price, with terms we know without a doubt were God driven. Then thinking now that was handled, I would still need to pay closing costs, taxes and whatever other expenses. My thoughts were running wild, I need a realtor and an attorney, and how much is this all going to cost? Where is all that money going to come from?

But, not to worry, we’re talking God here. A friend we know, who happens to be in real estate, offered to draw up the contract for us, which helped financially and then she led us to the closing attorney. Nevertheless this story doesn’t end here. I truly believe God places his children together for a reason, whether for a moment, a day, a season or a lifetime. The attorney we used for closing was part of God’s plan as well. The closing on the property was in her hands for almost a month. We all worried this was a little longer than normal as it was only an undeveloped acre and communication was a bit slow. I soon found out why and she gave me permission to repeat her story.

Our attorney’s father was very ill and days were short before he would soon be with our Heavenly Father. She needed to be close. She shared her family with me and I got to see the love of God in her father's life as he chose to serve the Lord and raise his family to do the same. I want to also share with you the most gracious and humbling discussion she had with her father where she brought me into their conversation, saying "My daddy’s words over and over these past few days are, and I quote… ‘Daughter, it’s not what you do for God that counts, it’s what you do that God tells you to do that counts.’”  So she then goes on to say, “God has told me to remove the seller’s closing cost and lower your attorney fees. Use the money for his Glory as God has told you what to do for him!” When she told me this I lost it. Here is a daughter and father going through one of the hardest times in ones life and they show God's Love and mercy to an almost total stranger. My prayers were answered. In God’s time, every prayer was answered and I get to carry in my heart the humble reminder of God’s love having the privilege of sharing a special moment in someone’s life. “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 2 Corinthians 1:4. And YES… I will use it to the Glory of God.

Remember what I said about never stop praying? Be ready to grab a seat and hold on, for when it is God's timing, there is no mountain tall enough He won't climb for you, or big enough He won’t move for you. Your prayer life can become effective and dynamic if you’ll approach the Lord with a clean heart. If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened (Psalm 66:18). Prayer is the primary means by which we talk to God, and it is also His way to teach us. When we pray, we’re petitioning the Lord and trusting Him for the answer. In doing so, we draw closer to God, learning to listen to Him, just as we learn to wait for His response. He loves for us to honor Him through this spiritual act of worship called prayer and faith.

Heidi and I pray you experience a most joyous Christmas filled with the wonder of the birth of Christ, the warmth of the Holiday Spirit and the love of family and friends. May your heart be lifted in praise this Christmas for the wonderful Loving gift of Jesus, and the joy He brings to our life. I pray together we have the opportunity to show a watching world something truly hopeful and sincerely beautiful this Christmas season. I thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope it spiritually enriches you.

Blessings from a pastor and his wife.

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:11-14 NIV