Monday, September 2, 2019

Focus On God

September 2019

Message from Pastor Tom,

Summer is quickly coming to a close and will soon be behind us. School has started and most parents are breathing a sigh of relief. Soon the brilliant colors of autumn and the smell of fall will be in the air. This is the perfect time for us to turn our Focus on God. As the world is growing darker and darker, God needs our attention now more than ever. In a message I once gave, I spoke about how first and foremost everything in our life needs to be centered on Christ. Jesus deserves our attention and should be our sole object of worship. Whether you worship God or golf, or some sort of collectable, whatever you treasure most defines your life.

A famous preacher once said a successful man is one who finds out what God wants him to accomplish with his life, and then fulfills it. This is a very profound statement. I believe the true measure of a person’s success is not social status, a bank account balance, influence, or fame. It is simple obedience, doing what God wants us to do. We affirm Jesus Christ is the only proper object of our deepest devotion. We want to declare like the Psalmist, "Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” Psalm 73:25-26.

Christian, if we want to be prepared for the unexpected in this chaotic world, then we must discipline ourselves to seek God every day, acknowledging both His Lordship and our dependence upon Him. By examining our habits and reflecting on our life, we can know whether our attention is on the Lord or on other things. If we start our day thinking about God instead of our own plans, regularly reading and applying Scripture, then we demonstrate a heart that is pursuing Him. Of this you can be certain, the stories and principles we find in the Gospels are just as applicable today as they were in Jesus' day. It takes God’s divine power to live the Lord’s way. In order to draw on His strength, believers need to develop an attitude of humility, trust and determination. As the Lord wants us to trust and depend on Him, He may at times ask us to remain in an uncomfortable situation or take on a task that seems far beyond our capability. While God knows how to solve your problem, He may choose to require your cooperation, possibly even asking you to do something that seems unreasonable. In either circumstance, relying on God will bring us the inner courage to choose His way. 

I’m sure most of you would agree the disciple Peter is an inspiration for all of us right now in today's time, God does not choose servants who are solid rocks with no cracks or crevices. Instead, He selects people who have weaknesses, faults and failings, (preaching here to myself) who need to be forgiven repeatedly. The Lord looks for believers who are teachable, willing to repent, and prepared to surrender to His greater will. So now is the time to Focus on God, as God has gone to great lengths to put His truth into written form and protect it down through the ages so we can spend eternity with Him. It is foolishness to ignore His Words. We must remember the goal is not to focus on the path or try to find our own way. Instead, we are to fix our eyes on the One who is not only our guide, but also our destination. It will be Jesus who welcomes us home with open arms when we finish the race and cross into eternity.

Heidi and I pray God richly blesses you and your family. I thank you for taking the time to read this, and hope it spiritually enriches you.

Blessings from a pastor and his wife,

“I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all, but whatever I have placed in
God's hands, that I still possess.”                                                                

 Martin Luther

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