Friday, February 1, 2019

Happy Valentines Day

February 2019
Message from Pastor Tom:
While we are still trying to hang onto our New Year's Resolutions, Valentine's Day is fast approaching. Many are starting to feel the pressure of living up to the high expectations this single holiday brings. While many of the men out there are trying to conjure up a romantic evening, many of the ladies are trying to figure out just what will please them so it does not turn to disappointment. Valentine's Day can bring out many of our insecurities, all the while setting high standards for our spouses and loved ones. When they fail to meet our high expectations, we become dissatisfied and are often disappointed with them. So how about this Valentine's Day we give our spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend the true gift of a relationship centered in God's love? One that acknowledges the Lord as our personal source of significance, security and satisfaction. When we do this, there will be no disappointment, or a dissatisfied loved one.

I know this sounds easy as we are trying to fill our lives with the spiritual information and activities which are all good and so needed. However, I believe where we fall short is in completely developing that close relationship with the Lord. To start making this happen, let's take a quick inventory of our life to see if this might be true. Do you attend church only out of a sense of duty? Do you pray with lofty or repetitive words instead of speaking to God from the heart? Do you serve solely out of obligation? These are only a few questions, and I’m sure you have thought of others. In ourselves, there is no way we can muster contentment in every situation. But once we understand God works through our trials to make us more like His Son, and our union with Christ strengthens us to endure and even rejoice, we have a strong foundation for contentment no matter what is going on around us. When we place our focus on Christ, our own insecurities and problems become small and even disappear.
Think of it like this. God won’t provide us an open door to His Love and Grace unless He intends for us to go through it. Stopping on the threshold is defiance in God's eyes. I know sometimes what little we can see on the other side may look frightening, but if the Lord is calling, we need to do whatever He asks. Instead of hesitating in the doorway, we need to trust God and just walk through it. God assumes full responsibility for properly equipping and guiding all of us to complete our life’s tasks. We do this by letting God fill that place in our life instead of expecting our “Valentine” to fill it. It can truly be a gift to both of you!
This Valentine's Day, rather than ramping up expectations for love and romance from your Valentine, you could instead celebrate the love God has lavished on you. For it is when we are plugged into God's love, His love flows freely into our marriages and relationships. Always remember Jesus’ promises. We have our Lord’s assurance we will spend eternity with Him. He promised we can never be separated from Him, and no one can snatch us from His hand (John 10:28). He has gone ahead to prepare a place for us and will return to bring us there (John 14:2-3). As God's love spills over, it sparks the fireworks we all hope for in a great Valentine's Day.
Heidi and I pray you have a very joyous Valentine's Day filled with God’s love, finding it spiritually enriching. There is no way we can muster contentment in every situation. But once we understand God works through our trials to make us more like His Son, and our union with Christ strengthens us so we can endure and even rejoice, we will have a strong foundation for contentment no matter what is going on around us. 

Blessings from a pastor and his wife.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 NIV