Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Blessings for 2019

January 2019

Message from Pastor Tom:

Happy New Year everyone. I hope this message finds you rested in the Lord, that all your new hopes are set in motion for this new year, and all the new Christmas goodies you received are being put to good use. As our journey of faith continues in this New Year, we can look upon it as our Father giving us a second chance to walk in Christ (although in some cases, perhaps our third or fourth chance). His grace is so extensive He offers us countless opportunities to hear the Gospel and receive His Son Jesus Christ as Savior. Rest assured our Father does not take second chances lightly. Read the passages in Romans 3 very carefully. It is a look at humanity through divine eyes. On our own, no matter how much we try to be good, we are often foolish, useless and even at times evil. Thankfully, God’s grace is immeasurably greater than our sin. God has implemented a simple rescue plan for each person on earth, Whoever believes in Jesus Christ as Savior is forgiven. We are justified by faith and at peace with God (Romans 5:1). So there you have it. Our sins are washed from our heart. In fact from God’s perspective, His children look as if they have never done wrong. Jesus is our only chance. Apart from Him, there is no salvation, no justification and no grace.

Look again at the passage from Romans 3, it’s not possible to clean up one’s own heart, each one of us must take advantage of the purity Christ purchased with His sacrifice on the cross. We must all make sure it is Christ who will be the center of our celebration of another year. Each of us has a limited number of days on this earth, for it is an inescapable fact our time here is only temporary. Remember, we will all experience tribulations; sudden changes in health or finances, the unexpected death of a loved one, the abandonment of a good friend. Any of these can bring us into a dark season. We often don't understand why the Lord has allowed the trial or lets the pain continue. Joseph probably wondered the same things throughout his trails, but he managed to hold fast to his faith. Even as a slave in a foreign land, he experienced the blessing of God’s presence. And recognizing that the Lord was with this young captive, his Egyptian master showed him favor (Genesis 39:2-3). 

One of the keys to walking through dark valleys during the times when life seems to be crumbling around us and the future is looking grim, is to embrace the reality of the Lord’s presence with us through every moment of our life. Not just the highs, but also the lows, when we place our trust in Him and know without a doubt He will see us through all things. It would be foolish not to prepare for something inevitable. How can you best live so you are ready when God decides our life on earth is complete? By remembering our life is a gift from God, and we do best when we honor Him by doing His work here on earth. So how will you utilize your time? How best can you serve our Lord in this brand new year?

Heidi and I wish you and yours a joyous and prosperous New Year full of God's many blessings. Our prayer as the New Year commences is you and your Church family will join hands to pray for one another and also promise to be by each other’s side supporting one another in all things Holy. May you be able to forgive all those who hurt you in the past erasing all the bruises from your heart, filling it with happiness and peace. May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26). I thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope it spiritually enriches you.

Blessings from a pastor and his wife.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)

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