Friday, June 1, 2018

Happy Father's Day

June 2018

Message from Pastor Tom,

I was sitting here thinking about writing this blog for Father's day and began reflecting on the last discipleship class I had just facilitated. Father’s day brought to mind how Dr. Tony Evans explained for a Christian to become Kingdom Disciples, we must surrender every area of our life and Abide in God the Father, which deepens our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We must also be totally committed to Him in order to receive God’s authority so we are able to do His work as Disciples for Christ. This is what all Christians should strive for no matter what our denomination. If you believe Jesus Christ died for your sins, then you need to get closer to HIM. As John 15:4-5 stated, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing’” (NKJV). How humbling for us to remember, without our Father we can do nothing!
Is this not true with our earthly fathers as well? Your father is still part of you, whether you’re a blended family, or been adopted, his love is true even if you don’t think so. You have been abiding in his word and action since birth, or when God blessed you with him, and hopefully it has been a Christian walk.
Whether you are close or not, whether he was a constant part of your life or not, he has impacted who you are today. I know you love him, except maybe when you can’t stand him, yet for better or worse, he is still your dad.

Although our earthly dad is the head of the family by God's Grace and love, God is the Father of us all and as I know our Father God is on His throne, it is still depressing keeping up with current events these days. While the nightly news has never exactly been a great source of encouragement, it surely seems like the headlines are getting bleaker and bleaker. We are living in a day when it’s becoming increasingly difficult to lovingly speak the truth of God’s Word without being labeled as bigoted or narrow-minded. Believe me, I know, as I’m sure you have also experienced being a Christian in an unbelieving world. It’s true some Christians have unfortunately misrepresented Jesus Christ to the world through demeaning rhetoric and judgmental attitudes. As believers, we should model our Savior Jesus Christ who spent the vast majority of His time hanging out with sinners like you and I, loving those far from God. Sadly, many leading Christian voices don’t seem to model the compassion and tenderness the Lord Jesus demonstrated toward unbelievers while He walked the earth. Yet at the same time, God expects our earthy fathers, as well as His church to stand firmly on His Word, never compromising our convictions to appease the culture. Remember, the Church is to replicate God in our community for His glory. We need to be in unity for Christ, for if we do all this, we will receive God’s authority and the keys to His Kingdom.
Heidi and I understand all fathers, as well most grandfathers, are under a lot of pressure going through endless hours of work, striving to provide for and lead their families, being a father and just being a man in this sinful, fast-paced world. Our prayer is for you to enjoy the best of Father’s Day, as it is now your time to be a little pampered. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and as always I hope it spiritually enriches you.  Happy Father’s Day and may God richly bless you. 

Blessings from a Pastor and his wife,
Tom and Heidi

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. 
James 1:12 (NIV)

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