Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Honoring Mothers

May 2018
Message from Pastor Tom,
Our Mothers usually start their day sipping a cup of coffee and smiling as the sunlight shines across their immaculate countertops. The only sounds they hear are the chirping of the birds outside the window and the flipping of the pages of their Bible as they breathe deeply, softly and settle in for their daily devotions with God… Not!
The reality however is most mothers’ mornings look nothing like this, in fact, how many of us really get to experience a morning such as this? We live in a busy culture where it’s often difficult for us to slow down, let alone clear our minds of the continuous busy every-day thoughts in order to sit quietly with God’s Word and concentrate on it or listen for God's soft voice for guidance. With some, the Lord may not seem as urgent as the other tasks in our lives, but I do know the Lord is much more important. In fact our very lives depend on it.
When one does take the time to meditate and read the Bible, the insight we receive from God's Word reminds us of God’s constant presence and strengthening for whatever lies ahead for us, just as Jesus knew how His Father's love could and did strengthen Him. The Father gave Jesus the encouragement and strength He needed as He went to the cross to pay our sin debt in full. So in this month of May, we want to honor all the mothers who share their strength and encouragement, who freely bestow and demonstrate their love endlessly in all kinds of ways and situations, especially the ones who have left large holes in our hearts upon their passing as well. Just as Jesus loved His mother deeply, our boundless love for our mother will never end. He knew she was just a woman like any other, yes special because she was His mother, but human and normal, likely to worry or misunderstand just like our mothers do. There is no doubt Jesus loved His mother, for John 19:24-27 explains when Jesus was dying on the cross, He showed deep love for His mother by asking John to take care of her.
As we celebrate and remember our own mothers, let's start taking the time to read the Bible and meditate upon the Lord’s Word so we can understand the greatest love story ever told, God's Love for mankind. We should strive to glorify the Lord every moment we’re alive, it is important to be aware of the future events. The reason is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:13, “So that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.” In fact, verse 18 tells us to comfort each other with the understanding of what will happen when Jesus returns. Knowing the pain we encounter in this life from tragedy, loss, fear, and sickness. God gives all Christians a glimpse of the wonderful future in store for those who believe.
Heidi and I wish a very Happy Mother's day to all you beautiful ladies. May God richly bless the mothers who unselfishly give of themselves, always tending to the needs of others before their own. We pray you will know God’s love more abundantly in your life and know how much you are valued as a mother and a wife.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, as always I hope it spiritually enriches you. Have a very blessed Mother’s Day and safe Memorial Day, as we honor the men and women who have died in military service for the United States of America.
Blessings from a Pastor and his wife,
Tom and Heidi
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:10-12 (NIV)

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