Saturday, December 1, 2018

Happy Birthday Jesus

December 2018
Message from Pastor Tom:
The fall harvest is gone for another year, the trees are bare and we have stuffed ourselves at Thanksgiving. Hopefully we took the time to give proper thanks to the Lord for not only what He has done in our lives, but also the love and hope He gives to all His children throughout the world.
We now turn our attention to Christmas in hopes of celebrating our Lords birth by exchanging gifts, or by giving that special Christmas card to show Gods love for one another. The days seem to fly by and with Christmas coming so quickly, I find the world makes it very challenging to keep Christ in Christmas. Anyone else notice that? Don’t get me wrong I love this season, such a special feeling with all the lights and festivities. I find this time of year truly magical by knowing the real reason for the season. Yet more than anything, I want to make it meaningful. I pray for Jesus to be the focus. I want all children to know what the day and all the celebrating is really about. They won’t hear it at school, nor will they see it in the sales advertisements. They will know only the truth we teach and show them, so we must make a special effort to show what Christmas is all about.
Lets do beautiful things together this month Christians. Things like serving and sharing and spending time with one another. Let's invite the loneliest people we know into our homes, and show them Jesus. How about we make lovely food together and then share it. Parents and grandparents, talk to your children and anyone who will listen about Jesus' impending birthday like it is the most precious, thrilling, miraculous moment you have ever heard in your life. Can we be brave enough to say "enough" to any further ruination of Jesus' day? Can we risk difficult conversations with family and friends, understanding Jesus called it the narrow way for a reason? Jesus truly wasn't kidding when He said few would find it. Let us instead listen to fellow Christians and spiritual leaders who courageously lead us in the ways of Jesus this December, helping us resist consumerism and selfishness, helping us to release our inner tension. We celebrate Christ our Savior being born this and every Christmas because He is indeed the reason for the season and our love and hope for everyone.
Don’t ever forget God has a purpose for everything that comes into our lives, including friendships, jobs, situations and conversations. Nothing is trivial and nothing is by accident. If you want to experience God in action, you don’t have to wait for Him to do something big in your life. Be attentive to even the littlest of things because every day, not just Christmas, is another opportunity to see Him at work. Get into His Word so you can understand how He has acted in the lives of others. Then watch for His involvement in your own life, as this is the biggest and brightest Christmas gift you could ever give yourself. So I challenge you to intentionally put on your spiritual armor every day and not just during the holidays. Put on one piece at a time: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the sandals of peace, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit. Just try it as you meditate daily on Ephesians 6:10-18, and watch what God will do. 
Heidi and I wish you a very Merry Christmas filled with the wonder of the birth of Christ, the warmth of the Holiday Spirit and the love of family and friends. May your heart be lifted in praise this Christmas for the wonderful gift of Jesus and the joy He brings to our life. I pray that together we have the opportunity to show a watching world something truly hopeful and sincerely beautiful this Christmas. We can live alternative rhythms in front of people, showing them something better than stress and spending and tension and exhaustion.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year! I thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope it spiritually enriches you.
Blessings from a pastor and his wife.
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. 1 Timothy 1:15-17 (NIV)

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

November 2018

Message from Pastor Tom,

Now that harvest is complete and the fruit of the Holy Spirit is living within our hearts, it is now time to be thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed on us during our harvest time with the Lord. I love the fall when the leaves are changing colors and are falling, the kids will soon have eaten all their Halloween candy and everyone begins looking forward to family and friend get-togethers for Thanksgiving. The question on my mind however, will we be too busy preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday, making travel arrangements, or planning our dinner menu to be truly thankful? Will we still take the time to talk with God in our quiet place and remember to let Him know just how thankful we are for His Son and the precious blood He shed for us?

As we read our Bibles, we are reminded giving thanks is very biblical. The book of Psalms alone reminds us nearly 50 times to give thanks. The New Testament also reminds nearly 50 times, including the all-inclusive “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Yet even when Scripture tells us to “be thankful” (Colossians 3:15), we can often turn it into an obligatory expression of spiritual courtesy toward God, rather than an expression of an astounded, overwhelmed realization we have received mind-blowing grace from Him. We’ve learned to say thank you without really feeling thankful and to think it’s okay. But truly it’s not okay. Thankless gratitude is like affectionless love. It’s like joyless happiness. It’s like the form of godliness without its power. It’s just not okay. It’s not the real thing at all, and as long as we practice it, we are missing out on the joy God intends to give us through thanksgiving. When God commands us to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18), He does not want some mere spiritual courtesy from us. It’s not like He needs our meager words of thanks or He’ll feel bad like grandma might have. I believe God does feel bad if we don’t express gratitude, but what He feels is not self-pity because we didn’t make Him feel good for doing something nice for us. He feels grieved for us because we are missing the point and therefore missing true joy.

God’s command for us to be thankful is a prescription of healing for the disease of our soul-crippling selfishness. It is an invitation for us to see the glory of God’s grace that is everywhere and, for the Christian, is infused into everything (Romans 8:28). It’s an invitation for us to leave behind the spiritual poverty of our sin and selfishness and receive, through the cross, “the immeasurable riches of God’s grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:7). The command for us to be thankful is God commanding us to experience the deep joy of true gratitude for all God promises to be for us in Christ forever. It is a profoundly kind and loving command. Christian thanksgiving is a feast of joy for the soul. It is savoring what is most satisfying to us. It is eating “the food that endures to eternal life” (John 6:27). So remember, in the words of the old table blessing, “For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful.”

Through His Word, God has entrusted to us the knowledge of who He is, what He is doing, and how the future will unfold for mankind. The Scriptures were intended to lead us into a growing personal relationship with our heavenly Father and to empower us for productive service as Christ’s ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20). In this position, we are called to follow Jesus’ example in glorifying God (Matthew 5:16), our Savior focused not on Himself, but on the heavenly Father whose plan is to reach the entire world with His saving grace.

Heidi and I pray this will be your most thankful Thanksgiving ever. May you and yours enjoy happiness, peace, love and joy with God, family and friends. I thank you for taking the time to read this and hope it spiritually enriches you.

Blessings from a pastor and his wife.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34 (NIV)

Monday, October 1, 2018

Are You Walking in Faith?

Message from Pastor Tom,

I was sitting here reminiscing about this past spring and summer Heidi and I have had the pleasure of enjoying, praising God for all His many blessings. Now fall is here and the leaves will start turning their brilliant colors, covering the ground placing a picturesque pattern wherever they may fall. The fall mornings will bring a brisk coolness in the air, and we know the holidays are just around the corner. We will soon be wrapped up in Trick-or-Treating with our children and grandchildren, then thoughts of turkeys baking in the oven for Thanksgiving dinner, followed by Christmas shopping and all the holiday fellowship with family and friends. So many more holiday memories to be made… what great fun there is to be had by all. But if I could, I would like to turn your attention back to your Faith in God during this time of merriment.

As I was reading my daily devotion on how Christians should be running their race in Faith for God, I thought this month is perfect for shining a little more light on Faith. Faith is not just about running a race; it is also about walking the walk. Its not just the outcome of something we endeavor to achieve, it’s a journey to be experienced. Romans 13:13 says, “Because we belong to the day, we must live decent lives for all to see.” Christians, we are being watched 24/7 in everything we do and how we react to any given situation. This is always a good thing to remember as we interact with people at work or in the community, in our texts and e-mails, its how we respond to frustrations, annoyances, difficulties and temptations laid before us. How we react shows our faithfulness in our Christianity, and the last thing we want to do is misrepresent Jesus Christ to the world.

Christians recognize their role in faith is to be active, obedient and attempt to have a simple trust and belief in the Word of God. I believe faith is a deeper conviction to God, just as Abraham showed with his son Isaac. Faith does not have a magical ingredient that when we read God’s Words, we instantly have deep faith. However, it does lead to a more confident attitude towards God, with the understanding of the assurance of God’s power and will to act in our lives. Only the Word of God is brought to life and expressed through the Holy Spirit where He then leads, directs and opens our hearts to the love God has for us. In turn, we need to fall in love with God, have complete devotion and commitment to Him in order to strengthen our Faith just as He intends.

Since many of life’s most challenging situations arise completely unexpected, it’s important we prepare ourselves beforehand, so we’ll be equipped to display Christ-likeness in how we respond so our witness will not be derailed. As Christians, the decisions we make in our daily lives in regards to our faith will ultimately affect the outcome of our eternity with God. These decisions are completely made by our faith, based on our fundamental Christian beliefs, our devotion and the morals taught through the Scriptures as revealed in Hebrews. To do otherwise is to live apart from God, without having love for Him, making one no different than the rest of the nonbelievers of this world where hell is their only eternal life. Let Jesus motivate you to live in purity, as He abides within every believer through His indwelling Holy Spirit. That means selfish and sinful thoughts, attitudes, words and actions have no place in our lives. Be mindful He is always with you, and let Him direct your choices and purify your life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, as always I hope it spiritually enriches you.

Blessings from a pastor and his wife. 

So you must remain faithful to what you have been taught from the beginning. If you do, you will remain in fellowship with the Son and with the Father. And in this fellowship we enjoy the eternal life he promised us. 1 John 2:24-25 (NLT)

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Live Life Abundantly

September 2018
Message from Pastor Tom,
The many pressures of this life can weigh a lot of us down. We run around busier and busier than ever, not knowing how to free ourselves up to live more abundantly. Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10 (NIV). To the full means abundance, but what does abundance really mean?
Throughout Scripture we read of God’s many blessings to His people. The books of Joshua and Psalms tell us we can be prosperous and many Proverbs actually explain how we can prosper. Paul often spoke about life being exceedingly abundant, even in times of his own great suffering. Why? Because Paul found his life sufficient in Christ. Jesus warned there would be trouble in the life of all believers, and I’m sure every one of us has suffered, some more than others. Yet Scripture also promises God shall supply all our needs and will give us peace that surpasses all understanding. Faith should play a huge part in every aspect of our Christian life, because without faith there can be no hope, and without hope there is no life worth living. Every Believer can experience abundance when we allow the Holy Spirit indwelled within each one of us to renew our life.
It is this new life in Christ that allows us to become more aware of the incredible Kingdom of God within and around us by accepting Jesus’ offer of a fuller life. Let Him help you to move beyond a routine, fearful and limited existence, fully embracing each day for the gift it is, living a fuller, happier, more productive life discovering more of your spiritual potential. Family, we don’t have to wait for heaven, we can begin honoring God right now by living life abundantly. Ecclesiastes 5:19-20 stated, “Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil - this is a gift of God. They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart.”  In other words, God has decided the best way for us to live is to take care of ourselves, have a good time, and make the most of whatever jobs we have for as long as He gives us life. It’s as simple as that. We should make the most of what God gives to us, not just the abundance, but also the capacity to enjoy it, accepting what He has given and delighting in the work, because it is God’s gift! God gives us joy in the present, so it’s useless to worry over how long we might live.
When I was being treated for throat cancer, the radiation destroyed my taste buds and for the longest time I no longer enjoyed food. I could smell of course and the aroma was wonderful, but when I went to eat, there was nothing. You see I lost the joy, the excitement, the anticipation of amazing flavors exploding in my mouth, savoring the taste of every morsel. All that was left was disappointment. I quickly lost my appetite and literally only ate to survive. But then months passed and by the Grace of God, slowly but surely almost all my taste returned, and I have never again taken this gift for granted. Once again I could delight in food, much to the detriment of my waistline (so remember, God also told us to take care of ourselves).
You see God doesn’t just give us food in order to sustain life. He delights in our enjoyment. He gave us the gift of taste so we could enjoy it. Much the same as He gave us the gifts of sight, hearing, feeling and smelling to enjoy and delight in our surroundings. All the beautiful and wondrous things around us we take for granted in our busy, busy lives… unless we lose one of them, and then suffer the frustration and pain of loss. We don’t want to have to lose something in order to appreciate the gifts God has lovingly and abundantly given us. We need to open our eyes to the miracle of the moment and to God. For when we do, we allow the Holy Spirit to bring about an inner spiritual awakening that alters our perception and lets us see with new eyes. God has provided abundantly for us and we need to find our life sufficient in Christ just as Paul did. The life God has given us is a precious gift and the message of Jesus will free us to live the hopes and dreams in our heart. “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father” John 14:12.
So what is and abundant life? It is not what we have or what we get or even what we claim, it’s ultimately about what we receive as a gift from God, realizing we are stewards of these blessings. It is about sharing these blessings and our life with others, sharing the light of Jesus and being rewarded with the fruit of the Holy Spirit, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law” Galatians 5:22-23. 
Heidi and I pray each of us are lifted out of our old way of thinking, to be transformed so each moment of our life will take on new meaning with an appreciation of the gifts God bestows on us every day. Praise God for abundant living!
Thank you for taking the time to read this, as always I hope it spiritually enriches you.
Blessings from a pastor and his wife,
So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:16-17

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Jesus The Teacher

August 2018

Message from Pastor Tom,
Well parents… the new school supply lists are out. Your children will soon be back in school, college students will be driving to college, or flying to new adventures in learning. Our summer is coming to a close, and the 4th of July fireworks are all but gone. However, our memories are still fresh from the sights, sounds and colors as we celebrated with friends and family and went on some great family vacations these past few months. And now onto the new sights, sounds and colors we will soon enjoy, the sound of ongoing sales and discounts from the likes of Amazon, the media, and of course our mailboxes stuffed full of back-to-school sale ads making the kids want the newest styles and colors for this fall school year. Heidi and I knew as our kids grew up, every year more often than not, they wanted anything and everything for the start of a new school year.
In this sense, the new school year and our Christian worship interconnect, because the very business of Christianity is fresh starts, much like the start of a new school year. Our symbol of fresh starts is the cross of Jesus Christ, and in the person of Jesus we find our new beginning. So I ask you this family, do you feel you have flunked out as they say, before you even had a chance to enroll? Well… that isn’t what Jesus wants for you. News flash folks, Jesus is more interested in our transformation than our transgressions. Our transformation is how Jesus teaches and how Jesus saves us. Jesus works from within as our Teacher. When people say Jesus changes lives, this is the kind of thing they are trying to describe. Jesus, not just a Teacher, but also a Savior, the One who can work on us from the inside out. He doesn’t just see things from our point of view; He knows what it means to be human because He is as much human as God. We, just like Jesus, need to teach justice coupled with compassion and mercy, with the knowledge Christ desires an abundant life for everyone.
Believe me I'm preaching to myself here, as no one is ever left out of Jesus' teachings. Always remember He came to call sinners and was more pleased when people showed mercy than sacrifice. We need to keep the faith, and our Faith should be our whole way of life, presented as a “living faith.” It was Jesus who described His message as “fresh water” that is never stagnant and quenches the thirst of all ages. This is the same as one's education. It is always going to be fresh in your mind when read or studied, and only goes stagnant when you close the book and do not use it. Don't let God's Word go stagnant. Open the Book of Knowledge and never close the Bible, as not only your journey through life, but also your eternal life depends upon it.
Heidi and I understand how stressful and hard it can be to getting our children ready for the school year with finances and so many choices to make. Rest assured Jesus Christ promises us hope for eternity, and this life as well. When we receive Jesus as Savior, through His sacrifice, we are redeemed, forgiven, justified, and reconciled to God. That is, Christ’s blood has brought us from death to life, and has let us enter into an eternal relationship with the Father. In doing so, our lives are less stress filled, and full of new beginnings. So our prayer for all of you is to experience a less stress-filled life, full of great new beginnings and for those headed back to school, may this year be the most successful yet.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and as always I hope it spiritually enriches you.
Blessings from a pastor and his wife, 
Tom and Heidi
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV)

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Let Freedom Ring

July 2018

Message from Pastor Tom,
As we find ourselves celebrating Independence Day with family and friends, enjoying fun and sun, barbecues, parades and lots of fireworks, I want to also share another side of the holiday. In doing some reading for this month's message, I found a speech given on July 4, 1946, by John F. Kennedy, 29 years old at the time and running for Congress in Massachusetts. JFK addressed the crowd at Boston’s Independence Day celebration stating, “The informing spirit of the American character has always been a deep religious sense. Throughout the years, down to the present, a devotion to fundamental religious principles has characterized American thought and action.” I am sure many of us are thinking this opinion most likely did not sit well with those who didn’t believe in God or identify with any religious tradition.
However, even now 72 years later the social norm is to adopt a culture of tolerance, basically lowering our Christian standards. I hate to say this, but all too often the same kind of tolerance and anything-goes attitude moves into the church. Our truths are based on fundamental Christian principles learned through Scripture, and it is our moral and ethical duty to lay this foundation for our families and the lost as well. One of our founding fathers John Adams said, "The general principles on which the Fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity.” Preserving our American liberty depends first upon our understanding of the foundations on which this great country was built, and then it depends on preserving the principles on which it was founded. We as Christians do not have the luxury of compromising our morals and ethics to be all-inclusive and to believe anything goes.
However, that is what our world wants, which is owned and run by the great deceiver himself satan. This is evident as we look at the turmoil in other nations and even within our own country today. We should be devoted to the fundamental religious principles of God, and our character should be beyond reproach. Can you say you are running your life or your family's life on these same principles? I know the theology of this great country has gotten lost in the decades since it was founded, and even since JFK proclaimed this country's founding so strong and so proudly.
We need to hold our ground and be prepared, dressed in our battle gear every day. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” Ephesians 6:10-11. Remember that through His Word, God has entrusted to us the knowledge of who He is, what He is doing, and how the future will unfold for mankind. The Scriptures were intended to lead us into a growing personal relationship with our heavenly Father and to empower us for fruitful service as Christ’s Disciples. This life is just the beginning. One day we will see Jesus face to face, be perfected as the individuals He created us to be, and live with Him in our true home forever.
Heidi and I pray you will all have a joyous, safe and blessed 4th of July holiday, and remember to remain in God’s Word, for indeed it will draw us into a closer relationship with our Lord and Savior. Each of us can experience the blessings of true spiritual liberty. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and as always I hope it spiritually enriches you.
Blessings from a pastor and his wife, 
Tom and Heidi           
We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20 (NIV)

Friday, June 1, 2018

Happy Father's Day

June 2018

Message from Pastor Tom,

I was sitting here thinking about writing this blog for Father's day and began reflecting on the last discipleship class I had just facilitated. Father’s day brought to mind how Dr. Tony Evans explained for a Christian to become Kingdom Disciples, we must surrender every area of our life and Abide in God the Father, which deepens our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We must also be totally committed to Him in order to receive God’s authority so we are able to do His work as Disciples for Christ. This is what all Christians should strive for no matter what our denomination. If you believe Jesus Christ died for your sins, then you need to get closer to HIM. As John 15:4-5 stated, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing’” (NKJV). How humbling for us to remember, without our Father we can do nothing!
Is this not true with our earthly fathers as well? Your father is still part of you, whether you’re a blended family, or been adopted, his love is true even if you don’t think so. You have been abiding in his word and action since birth, or when God blessed you with him, and hopefully it has been a Christian walk.
Whether you are close or not, whether he was a constant part of your life or not, he has impacted who you are today. I know you love him, except maybe when you can’t stand him, yet for better or worse, he is still your dad.

Although our earthly dad is the head of the family by God's Grace and love, God is the Father of us all and as I know our Father God is on His throne, it is still depressing keeping up with current events these days. While the nightly news has never exactly been a great source of encouragement, it surely seems like the headlines are getting bleaker and bleaker. We are living in a day when it’s becoming increasingly difficult to lovingly speak the truth of God’s Word without being labeled as bigoted or narrow-minded. Believe me, I know, as I’m sure you have also experienced being a Christian in an unbelieving world. It’s true some Christians have unfortunately misrepresented Jesus Christ to the world through demeaning rhetoric and judgmental attitudes. As believers, we should model our Savior Jesus Christ who spent the vast majority of His time hanging out with sinners like you and I, loving those far from God. Sadly, many leading Christian voices don’t seem to model the compassion and tenderness the Lord Jesus demonstrated toward unbelievers while He walked the earth. Yet at the same time, God expects our earthy fathers, as well as His church to stand firmly on His Word, never compromising our convictions to appease the culture. Remember, the Church is to replicate God in our community for His glory. We need to be in unity for Christ, for if we do all this, we will receive God’s authority and the keys to His Kingdom.
Heidi and I understand all fathers, as well most grandfathers, are under a lot of pressure going through endless hours of work, striving to provide for and lead their families, being a father and just being a man in this sinful, fast-paced world. Our prayer is for you to enjoy the best of Father’s Day, as it is now your time to be a little pampered. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and as always I hope it spiritually enriches you.  Happy Father’s Day and may God richly bless you. 

Blessings from a Pastor and his wife,
Tom and Heidi

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. 
James 1:12 (NIV)